Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Couldn't Let Her Die Without Jesus!

A little over a year ago the Lord allowed me to be at my sister's bed side as she lay on what soon became her death bed in her hospital room. Darria had been rushed to the emergency room due to the fact that she had stomach cancer and was in excruiating pain. The doctors had given her six months to live and we were just in month three.
When I arrived at the hospital and was able to see her, the pain she was experiencing was so terrible that none of the medications would bring her any relief. I was so saddened but was strong enough to ask her if I could pray with her. Although she had not confessed Jesus as her Lord and Savior, she opened her heart and allowed me to pray. The prayer seemed to bring her some comfort and relief.
But soon afterwards she was admitted to hospice for pain management. I stayed at her bed side for several hours watching helplessly as she cried out in pain. At one point she began to crawl around in the bed as if she wanted to crawl out of her own body. She experienced so much pain!! I will never forget her yelling...Why? Why? Why? It still hurts to this day not to have been able to help her more. But God knows our beginning and our end. We all live in his timing.
When we got word that Darria would probably not make it through the night, I was frantic. She was physically unresponsive. Had I procrastinated too long in sharing Jesus with her? I had prayed on numerous occasions for her salvation but until that day she, to my knowlege, was still unsaved. I rushed and called my cousin Pastor Frank James who always knows exactly how to handle difficult situations. He said in his matter of fact and non-wavering way, "Marshelle, the hearing is the last thing to go. So go to her bedside, whisper in her ear John 3:16...For God So Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." I was so distraught but knew I had to be strong for her. I did exactly like the man of God had directed. As a matter of fact, I said it numerous times, maybe about 30 or so. I lost count. But at one point Pastor James arrived and the family members who were there all gathered around and sung songs unto the Lord. I could feel the peace and presence of God. And I knew God had welcomed Darria into his presence. See, I JUST BELIEVE GOD!! Faith comes by hearing the word of God. I had prayed so many times for her salvation and GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! The prayers of the righteous avails much!!
Darria went home to be with the Lord with a smile on her face. When I get there one day I am going to give her a big giant HUG!! Remember, no matter what situation you are facing ....God is indeed faithful.

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